Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Review of Waterbabies
I appreciate what Kingsley achieved with Waterbabies. The material he presented me with was engaging, complex, and original. He convinced me the validity of his argument, which is the Victorian lower class needs reform, within the first three pages. Using Tom as tool to draw me in, I immediately start to feel sorry Tom, who is abused and neglected by his master Grimes. Grimes’ character provides a future alternative for who Tom will become, if we (the Victorians) do not take the time and effort to reform little boys like Tom. In that sense, Waterbabies is not only geared to educate children, but most importantly adults. This is why Kingsley has these two to three page interrupters where he thoroughly explains his points for reform, why I should or should not believe in fairy tales, and historical facts behind what I may have only a basic understanding of. Waterbabies is a carefully and purposely constructed text where there’s no lessons to be learned, only morals.
Review of The Water Babies
Kingsley’s knowledge of the work of Charles Darwin, in particular, is noticeable throughout the story. Kingsley tackles the somewhat controversial topic of evolution, threading this theory throughout the entirety of his tale in order to ensure that this type of evolution seems wholly “natural.” The parable of the Doasyoulikes is probably the most prominent of his references to Darwin, as the entire nation of Doasyoulikes reverts to mere apes as a result of their own laziness and weakness. On a broader scale, Tom’s moral education can be construed as an “evolution” of sorts. From an immature young chimney sweep headed toward the same corruption as his elders, Tom evolves into a “great man of science” who “knows everything about everything” from “what he learnt when he was a water-baby, underneath the sea.”
Although the educational digressions make this story difficult for a younger reader to grasp without knowledge of the more controversial topics of science references, I think that children can still learn from Tom’s education. In spite of The Water Babies’ serious digressions, its story is witty and humorous, and Tom’s adventures and experiences are extraordinarily entertaining. His keen senses of wonder and awe and his curiosity about the world about him can be translated for children and adults alike.
Goblin Market Review
The Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti is the ideal fairy tale. It is full of sexual references and there is even a moral at the end. It fits all the criteria for a Disney film. The poem even has heroes, two sisters, and various villains, the goblins. However don’t be looking for a knight in shining amour to ride the girls into the sunset because there are no male characters throughout the poem.
The first stanza is filled not only with sexual references but also with a reference to the sisters’ innocence, as the goblins tempt the girls to buy their fruits.
“ Come buy, come buy
Apples and quinces
Lemons and oranges
Plump and unpecked cherries
Melons and raspberries,
Bloom-down-checked peaches,
Swart-headed mulberries
Wild free-born cranberries…..”
Review of "Goblin Market"
Then sucked their fruit globes fair or red:
Sweeter than honey from the rock.
Stronger than man-rejoicing wine,
Clearer than water flowed that juice;
She had never tasted such before,
How should it cloy with length of use?
She sucked and sucked and sucked the more...
All overtly sexual connotations aside, “Goblin Market” is a well written poem for both children and adults. While the young ones may enjoy the sumptuous descriptions of cute little girls, goblins, and delicious food, we adults are left to appreciate the subversive—or not so—humor of the Victorian age.
Monday, February 1, 2010
A Review of Water Babies
Many of the characteristics I find most loathsome in modern children’s literature are, as they should be, completely absent from Water Babies. There are many things to love about this book— the inclusion of poetry, some by Kingsley and some by earlier romantic poets; the use of long words in context; and the wonderfully unhurried pace of the narrative voice. In modern times it is a rare gift to be able to linger over passages in a children’s book which leisurely describe the surroundings:
“And in the water-forest he saw the water-monkeys and water-squirrels (they all had six legs, though; every thing almost has six legs in the water, except efts and water-babies); and nimbly enough they ran among the branches. There were water-flowers there, too, in thousands; and Tom tried to pick them up, but as soon as he touched them, they drew themselves in and turned into knots of jelly; and then Tom saw that they were all alive— bells, and stars, and wheels, and flowers, of all beautiful shapes and colours; and all alive and busy”…
And on and on, for paragraphs and paragraphs, pages and pages. Oh, miraculous irrelevancy! Oh, the didactic ramblings of my lost youth!
But while Water Babies refuses to cater to a child’s short attention span, and in this way talks down to children as little as anything, it finds entirely new— or rather, old— ways to talk down to the young. Instruction is fine and good, but Kingsley takes for granted many things which in modern times do not fall short of scandalous and offensive— for instance, the inferiority of the Irish. And my guess is that any modern child would find it difficult to relate to Tom, our protagonist from a century ago who isn’t really that likeable to begin with. And then, even when one takes into account the time period in which Water Babies was written, Kingsley doesn’t exactly encourage freedom of thought, which nowadays is highly prized.
In short, Water Babies was an enjoyable read, and reminded me why I love old books so much— sometimes it’s nice to slow down, revel in the English language, and maybe even learn something. But I think asking a child to relate to this book would not prove to be a successful endeavor. If only books like this one were still being written, but from a modern worldview/perspective… but then, that might not even be possible. There’s something very modern about linear and direct plotlines. The world really is getting more ADD, and life really is speeding up— Water Babies is evidence enough of that.